Welcome to the gerbil shelter. I hope you will find a new gerbil friend for yourself :)
- important part -
most are for free; in some cases an adoption fee is required
you can get a gerbil listed as free for any WL/Hoard List pet or uncommon+ if you have no free adoption left
listed prices are in Eldemore pets, but if you wish to pay in baubles like any amount can get you any gerbil
- to adopt a gerbil fill up the form listed below
- send payment if required
- first come first serve
- THREE free gerbils per person (will increase)
It's ok to:
- use your gerbil on any (decent) site
- change size or background of your gerbil
- comment/ask questions in this thread/PMs
- give the gerbil back to me, if you no longer want it; give it to another user as a gift (they have to agree with it, and you have to let me know about it)
- rename the gerbil/change it's description - just let me know and I'll change it for you in the archive
- point out mistakes I made :D
It's NOT ok to:
- remove my sign
- break Eldemore rules and so on
- may add more later if some problem occurs; till then I'll believe you that you know how to behave :D
- Code: Select all
[b]I want to adopt a gerbil![/b]
[b]Gerbil's number[/b]:
[b]Gender[/b]: (gender of your gerbil)
[b]Name[/b]: (name your gerbil)
[b]Something about them[/b]: (optional)
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Image upgrades:
You are free to aks me to redraw your "old-lined" gerbil!
- unimportant part -
Meet Salli, an orphaned gerbil who decided to stay in the shelter and help me take care of other gerbils and find them new homes. Unlike most of her species, Salli LOVES to meet newcomers, gerbils or people. She greets every customer with gentle lick.
Tierchen's Gerbil - Basic info:
Tierchen's Gerbil's latin name Meriones Tierchenus means "really cool little warrior" in English and refers to its very territorial behaviour. Its body length is usually around 18-26 (without tail).
Unlike other species of gerbil, Tierchen's Gerbil have four (4) digits on every paw (on both front and hind limbs).
Its wild color is called agouti or golden agouti:
In the wild:
This not-so-special kind of gerbil can be found all over the land of Eldemore. Its original habitat is steppes, where it lives in large underground burrows. Today we know gerbil subspecies that lives in hot deserts, deep forests, high in the mountains, near human dwellings and many more habitats. Some builds their dens underwater, some flying subspecies builts nest on inaccessible places.
What remains the same for most of the gerbil population is the group struction. Group of gerbils is called 'a family' and usually consist of about 10-20 gerbils. There's always one dominant pair (which is the only one to produce pups), their offspring of different ages and in some cases a few unrelated gerbils. Every member of gerbil family has its function set - build burrow, stand on the guard, help mother with the latest litter and more.
As a pet:
As said before gerbils are very territorial creatures, but this doesn't apply to their relation to people. They can be easily tamed by human and make a perfect small companion for travels. They are also strongly social and it's recommendet not to keep them alone.
One last thing - You probably noticed I'm not a native English speaker. I apologize for any mistakes.