Welcome all GoT (Game Of Thrones) fans, whether you have read the books, watched the TV series or both. This is the thread to talk about everything GoT. Warning, this thread probably contains spoilers.
Be polite and respectful
Please, don't argue
Keep it PG
If you don't like GoT, this probably isn't the thread for you. Feel free to post, just don't be rude.
This form is just to fill out for fun, just so we can get an idea of your interests in GoT. You don't have to fill it out.
- Code: Select all
[b]Books/TV Show/Both[/b]
[b]Favourite book/Episode/Series[/b]
[b]Favourite Character[/b]
[b]What house do you relate with:[/b]
[b]Anything Else[/b]