Please PM or send a trade; do not post here with offers.
Due to the length the site has been taking a break and lack of an estimated time of return, I have decided to quit. I will check back here once or twice a day for trades.
I am looking to trade everything in my account for Flight Rising gems/treasure (1:1250 exchange rate). I am Kadaj #5282 on Flight Rising.
My pets are in the following groups. I also have 25 baubles. Send a trade and make an offer.
homestead.php?gID=54311&sort=age&ppp=15&uID=1310 (jellyfish liger hoard)
homestead.php?gID=66344&sort=age&ppp=15&uID=1310 (cuttlefish hoard)
homestead.php?gID=112700&sort=age&ppp=15&uID=1310 (everything else)
There are pets of varying age and rarity in all of those groups, including most or all of the pets that were released during the extended break.