Search for One x One Role-Plays

Post forms specifically made for either 1x1's or private group role plays. Can include anything from animals, humans to fantasy based role plays. These can be based off of movies, books, or games.

Search for One x One Role-Plays

Postby rose; » Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:24 am

Here you can search for any sort of one x one that you'd like, or just search through other users posts to see if they are looking for something you are interested in!

You should include what sort of roleplays you are looking for, what level of roleplay you want [commonly used terms are illiterate, semi-literate, literate or beginner, intermediate, experienced].
You should create the topic after you've found someone, not to search for someone.

As always, you must follow eldemore role-play and site rules.

Benathorn and Jendalie wrote:-Be respectful to others. We will not tolerate any bullying or abusive behavior of any kind. Breaking this rule will be met with an immediate ban.

-There is a difference between having an opinion and just being plain rude. Official artists work very hard to provide adoptables for the site. Think before you post something.

-Do not spam the forums. Keep all information pertaining to the focused topic of each thread.

-Do not use profanity in general posts. It is offensive to many people and unnecessary.

-Do not post offensive or explicit images/stories anywhere on the forums.

-Neither giving or requesting personal information is allowed. This includes names, age, location, number or email. Report anyone who either gives or asks you personal info.

-Blacklisting and calling someone out on the forums is not allowed. Report an issue you may have with another member and let a moderator or administrator handle the situation.

Also make sure you're familiar with the roleplaying rules specifically for RPGs. It can be located here; or on any RPG forum as a sticky.
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Re: Search for One x One Role-Plays

Postby Benathorn » Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:33 am

You are certainly welcome to make an RP search thread. ^^
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Re: Search for One x One Role-Plays

Postby rose; » Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:09 am

thank you bena c:

      I'm searching for an experienced role-player [also considered literate, I suppose]. I don't need a post very often- I mean, once a week or once every two weeks is appreciated, but I definitely don't need one every day or two. I want someone who will at least plan a little with me. I don't do forms or premade characters- all my characters are made new, unless I'm reusing it for a reason, such as redoing a plot.
      When I say experienced I mean good spelling/grammar/ all that, but also creativity; they're equally important.
      Right now I'm looking for werewolves with pack mentality (would prefer mxm for this if tomance is included, which is preferred also)but not the typical alpha-beta-omega chain, and a warrior (cat) role-play, with a character I made for group role-plays that never got significantly far. She's an apprentice, can be older apprentice years, but not yet warrior. (Can be romance included, or just her mentor and her.)
just gifting out my collection. no longer really have time.
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Re: Search for One x One Role-Plays

Postby scmarshtacky » Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:00 pm

Hello, I love to rp, but most of my partners go inactive, so here's hoping I'll find a couple of people interested in doing a semi-lit to literate roleplay with me.

What I'm Looking For in a Partner:
~ Activity - I like to be able to post at least once or twice a day, and more if the plot gets interesting
~ Literacy - I expect good grammar, spelling, and at least a paragraph or two. NO one-liners. Writer's block does not work as an excuse for me.
~ Plot Developer - I have a horrible tendency to mirror post, so I need a partner that will help me keep the plot going
~ Drama - RPs are never entertaining with out it
~ Characters - I need someone who can play female characters.

What You Can Expect From Me:
~ I usually reply relatively quickly and can easily write three or four nice posts in a day.
~ I have good grammar, and always spellcheck before I post. I can easily write two nice paragraphs as long as I'm given something good to respond to.
~ I play males much better than females.
~ As I said, if the plot is stagnate, I have a tendency to mirror post, though I'm working to improve that.
~ I'm not very good at coding, and I care more about the content of the post rather than it's prettiness.

What I Want to RP:
~ Fantasy Based [4/5]
    I know that's broad but I like most anything fantasy.
~ Anime Based [4/5]
    PM to know what I've seen

~ DemonxHuman [5/5]
    Where I play the male demon
~ Humans with powers

What I Will Not RP:
~ Vampires
~ Zombies
~ Animals
~ School Life based
~ Extreme Romance
~ GuyxGuy/GirlxGirl

Will add if I think of more.

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Re: Search for One x One Role-Plays

Postby Distortionist » Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:29 pm

Hi, Eldemoreians! I am currently in the search for a new role playing partner. Below is some information about what I'm looking for.

. : : I Am : : .

+Active. I literally never log out and I hold the record for most posts right now. You can expect me to reply at the very least a couple times on a slow day.

+Literate. I am capable of making each post a few well written paragraphs. However, I usually mirror the literacy of my partner.

+Flexible. I don't mind playing pretty much anything, although I am best with animals or some sort of unrealistic human. I enjoy playing fantasy creatures and definitely Pokemon <3 But not Unova. I do not get annoyed at short posts from my partner and I can do really anything you want of me.

+Good with Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation. I think that's self explanatory.

+Female. You may wonder why I bothered putting that here. It's simply because like most people, I best role play characters of the same gender as I am because I find them easiest to relate to.

+Friendly. I often talk Out Of Character. I also use a lot of emojis. Here I am refraining from doing so because I am trying to make this look professional.

. : : I'm Looking For Someone Who Is : : .

+Semi-Literate. I would like for my partner to be able to compose responses at least 3 or 4 sentences long. This one is less of a requirement and more of a preference.

+Active. It's no fun if you only post once a week.

+A Twin. Pretty much most of the stuff I listed in my "I Am" section should kind of apply to you. The Female and Literacy parts are exceptions. As I stated before, I am flexible so this rule isn't very strict.

Thanks for reading this <3 Maybe you could end my search. Just shoot me a PM if you're interested! :3
Last edited by Distortionist on Sun Aug 18, 2013 8:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Search for One x One Role-Plays

Postby maluruloki » Fri Aug 16, 2013 2:09 pm

Hey all! I'm posting in the hopes of finding a literate-level RP partner. If you fit the list of requirements below, don't hesitate to send me a PM. :)

I Appreciate:

~ Literate more that anything else. I can handle semi-literate, but you MUST spell-check, punctuation-check, and grammar-check your post. I won't hesitate to correct you if you don't do this. Do me a favor and post at LEAST 4-5 sentences.

~ Active to semi-active. I can easily post 3-4 times a day, so you must do a favor and post at least ONCE at day. I'll consider the RP dead if you don't post within the week/reply to my PM reminding you about it. I send friendly reminders if I don't hear from someone in a couple of days - nothing pesky though, no worries. ^^

~ Creativity. Mirror posts don't bother me THAT much, but help me advance the plot! Also, take your time with the plot. I don't appreciate it when we go from having tea in the first post to suddenly having a bull crash through the window and we're now fighting it using our supernatural powers...y'know?

Possible RP Topics:
~ Eldemore! Hey, this is the Eldemore site and I have some Eldemorian characters to use. :) My biggest hope would be to stretch my skills with my male Elkrin Rider, Matteo. I also have Sophie, my Ancient Summoner/Elkrin Rider, but she's kind of in the midst of another story plot right now. I have a Liger Keeper and Dire Warden in the works too, so if you want to interact with them, let me know!

~ I like your basic fantasy too. Elves and dragons float my boat. ^^ I'm a huge fan of the Dragonriders of Pern and spin-offs of it.

~ Vampires. Nothing too cliche, though - I tend to explore the character's growth as they come to realize that they will live forever and all the emotional baggage that comes with it.

~ Dogs and cats. I appreciate RPing them in the normal and fantasy sense, but nothing like Warriors. Sorry, never got into that, folks.

If anything here sparks your interest, shoot me a PM. We can figure it out. :)
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Re: Search for One x One Role-Plays

Postby thorrissia » Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:55 am

    My name is thorrissia and I am in desperate need of role plays. I've found myself getting bored increasingly due to having nothing to do on here, so I really need role play. It's a craving

    . I don't mind what literacy you are, as long as you aren't completely literate. I never top 900 words a post and even that is a little weird for me. I normally average around 600 depending on how inspired I am. However I am perfectly ok doing one liners as well. I enjoy them just as much as long as the plot is good.

    . I don't wanted to be ditched without warning. I'm a little tired of this happening to me when my partner just never replies and never tells me about it. I don't mind if you want to quit, please just tell me so I can find a new role play instead of hanging on when there is never going to be a reply.

    . Be relatively active. I like role plays that go fast, so I'd like it if you could post once every two days at the minimum please. These are my only real requirements of you so I hope it isn't too much.

    ~~~~ What I am looking to do!

    . Doctor Who- I enjoy these a lot and so I would probably still enjoy doing one now XD This is probably my favourite and the one I am most likely to do.
    . Sherlock- Again these are something I enjoy.
    . Harry Potter- surprisingly I have never role played this in a 1 x 1 and because I am a complete potterhead, I would probably enjoy this.
    . ^ combos of the above. Who knows? Maybe a Potterlock roleplay XD
    . Am open to suggestion. Have an original plot you want to do? I'd love to hear it.

    ~ Please send me a PM if you're interested. I need the roleplays XD

↠ Everyone has their own version of what
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be a paradise, others a simple field. If you look
to the left, you will see my version of heaven.
Now you thought this was going to be an
inspirational quote or something didn't you?
Well it isn't. Sorry.

↠ My name is Thorrissia. Well that isn't really
my name. That's just what you can call me on
here. I am an active roleplayer and a not very
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anything and nobody else will listen, the inbox
is open. I hope to see you around on cs ~~byee

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Re: Search for One x One Role-Plays

Postby Jenjo » Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:19 am

Hello all - I'm Jenjo ^^ I'd like to start a 1x1 roleplay, so here I am!

I'm a semi lit player - usually posting at least a fairly chunky paragraph. However, I am often on my phone and therefore cannot always make my posts pretty. My spelling, punctuation and grammar is good, and I don't tend to make many mistakes. I'm reasonably active, posting at least once every day so long as I have something to reply to. I'd actually like something reasonably relaxed, so I don't want a literate roleplay at the moment. I do make new characters for each rp I join, usually, and I don't mind doing up forms. Generally, I prefer to play females, though I can still play males. I dot use more than 2 characters in each roleplay. I'm better at mxf but I will attempt mxm or fxf.

As for topics.. I have tons of interests!
- Harry Potter
- Sherlock (although I love it, I may not rp it - I definitely won't play Sherlock as I'm not really smart or witty enough)
- Doctor Who (possibly, though only if it's ten/nine/rose, as I haven't finished watching the series)
- Pokémon (won't do Unova, though)
- Animated Movies (particularly Disney or DreamWorks)
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Angel Beats
- No.6
- Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra (probably won't do canon characters though)
- His Dark Materials

So pm me if you think we could work something out c:
You can find me on Chicken Smoothie under the same username. Pretty new to this place but always happy to learn, so please don't hesitate to correct me if my trading is a tad dodgy. Thank you! c':
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Re: Search for One x One Role-Plays

Postby Kido Tsubomi » Sun Aug 18, 2013 12:21 pm

I hope you don't mind me fancying this up a bit xD


ImageWell hello there. Fancy meeting you here. (Not really, it's the 1x1 RP page, not Walmart). Ehm, yes. The name of this little thing *points to self* is Leh Maxifernous, but you can call me Max. xD it's a lot simpler. Just Max. I may settle for Maximum, but I like Max better. I'm a teenage girl with lots of RP muse as of late, but I don't feel like starting a big RP. So here I'ma settle down my ideas and hope someone will take a little interest in them and hit me up. Just shoot me a PM. I don't bite, hard. ;)

Neighborhood Gang War Yeah, so, this wouldn't be like, hoodlum gangs or like mafia gangs. But two gangs of kids (like, ages 12-18) who are fighting for control over a neighborhood. One gang has rules the place for as long as anyone can remember, but another group of kids defies their "tyranny", and so formed a rebel gang, and yeah... this ignites a war. 8D I'd love to do this roleplay, as I'm writing a book based on the plot and it would help give me inspiration.

So you didn't like those ideas, eh? Oh well, I guess not everyone enjoys what my mind barfs up xD. That's okay. I have other things I'll do ^^

Topic | [how badly I want] (notes)
Percy Jackson | [10/10] (I get to be Annabeth. >:C I have epical plot. Must include canons)
How Train Your Dragon | [10/10] (I want Astrid and must have canons, not too heavily based off TV Show)
Warriors | [5/10] (unless we have an EPIC plot)
Wolves | [2/10] (again, good plot)
Avians (birds) [6/10] (It could be interesting :3)
Avatar the Last Airbender | [6/10]
Black Blood Alliance | [8/10] (It's a comic about wolves vs sabres, look it up)
Ginga Densetsu Weed | [8/10] (with OCs)
Fantasy Animals | [4/10] (come up with a good plot)
Digimon | [8/10] (we could do with or without humans, up to you)
Pokemon | [7/10] (have a few cool plots for this, with or without trainers)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon | [10/10] (multiple plots for this)
Pokemon/Digimon Crossover | [8/10]
Spyro The Dragon | [4/10]
Stray Cats | [6/10]
Stray Dogs | [8/10]
Post Apocalyptic Animals | [7/10] (wolves, dogs, cat, other)
Big Cats | [5/10]
Unique Worlds/Plots | [9/10] (you really gotta wow me though)
A combination of the above | [5-10/10] (honestly, it depends on the combination x3)

I'm also willing to do a Hunger Games roleplay if it combines one or more of the subjects above.

I also have things I really WON'T do. Here they are.

Homosexual roleplays (nothing against them, just not comfortable roleplaying them)
All romance
Twilight (ick, sorry)
Harry Potter (never got that into roleplaying it)
(Any pairing like the above three)
Teen Pregnancy
One Direction (just no)

Well, if you wanna RP something not discussed above, just asked me about it and I'll see how interested I am. I'm normally pretty easy to work with.


What can you expect from me? Well, I'm pretty literate (usually 2+ paragraphs, I've written a 3000+ word post before xD). I match what I'm given, it's easier for me to write a long post if you write a long post, too. I also have pretty good grammar, and a stickler for proper spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and things of the like. However, I use my DS and tablet a lot to access the internet, so posts may tend to be shorter and not as fancy then. I'm used to controling multiple characters.

However, I am looking for a partner who can match me. You must be able to type at least one good, detailed paragraph (5+ sentences). I can understand the occasional writer's block, but don't use it as an excuse. Please also have good grammar and spelling and know when to capitalize and punctuate. And no wall of boring text. Make it nice to look at, somehow. Also, you should be able to control at least two characters, and not all one gender.

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Re: Search for One x One Role-Plays

Postby Secret » Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:52 am

..:What I am Looking for in a Partner:..

-A person who likes to expand on their characters as the story goes on-
-Somebody who posts quite a lot and who won't abandon the RP halfway through-
-A person who GENERALLY writes 4+ sentences per post (atleast one paragraph)-
-Someone who is flexible-
-Somebody who won't try and act out my characters for me (e.g. my characters reaction to what you did, it gets annoying)-

..:What my Partner can Expect from me:..

-I tend to adjust to what my partner is like (e.g. fully literate/half literate)-
-You could call fantasy my 'native' genre, and fantasy is pretty much all that I do.Sorry to all of you who enjoy realism,but that's not for me-
-My characters are mostly female, me in real life being that gender I find it easier to relate to them-
-Though I do mainly enjoy fantasy, distopian/sci fi environments are welcome-
-You can count on me to keep posting on any rp thread-
-I am not interested in rping most movies or books, I like making the stories myself. The ones that I probably would like to rp are below-
-I am prone to making faces OOC (e.g. xD, :D, D:), it's a habit of mine that annoys many people-
(A little side note-sometimes my spacebar doesn't work properly, and so if any spaces are missing, I ask you to ignore it)

..:Topics that I Generally Like:..

BZRK-Michael Grant
Gone series-Michael Grant
Dragonkeeper-Carole Wilkinson
The Dragonriders of Pern-Anne McCaffrey
Elementals series-Brigid Kemmerer
Slated series-Teri Terry
Frostfire-Zoe Marriot
Dance of Shadows-Yelena Black
Reboot-Amy Tintera

-Mythical Animals-

-Strange Worlds-
If you would like to create a unique world to RP in with me
If you want to hear about one of the many worlds I've already created
PM me!
(I'd list them in here but it will take up too much room explaining them all)


-Science Fiction-

-Warring World/Countries-

-Spies, Thievery and Backstabbing-

If you have any other RP ideas that aren't listed here/want to RP with me, PM me!
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