Misha's Trade Spot {LF Hundreds of Pets!}

All Eldemore trading, such as monthly and event swaps, should be posted here.

Misha's Trade Spot {LF Hundreds of Pets!}

Postby MishaBaby » Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:37 pm


Thanks for stopping by. I'm new here, just started a few days ago as of the time of this post.
I am looking to get all of the pets I missed, but understandably I don't have much yet to trade
for them, so I thought I'd post here and see if anyone would like to suggest anything. I am
going to reserve a few posts below this one just in case, so I can keep this updated with what
I have and what I need. Please feel free to message me with any suggestions.
Thanks for looking & have a great day! ^.^

Last edited by MishaBaby on Wed Nov 01, 2017 7:08 am, edited 9 times in total.
My Eldemore Trade Spot
Looking For Hundreds Of Missed Outcomes, See WL
● Thank you so very much to the person who helped my dream come true! TT_TT ♥ ●
● If it's in group 9c & unnamed, use my WL to offer ●
● In love with lore? Like collecting things? You might want to look at this.

"Remember that in life, all things are temporary, the good and the bad. Let not your troubles
weigh you down, for they too shall pass. Cherish the sweet moments, live awakened, so that
each night when you rest your head you do not fear your final sunset. And remember, always
remember... It might not be ok, but it's going to be alright."
Peace, Love, Empathy... Misha.

MS: Image  ||  Image :DC
.: Once A Watchcrow, Always A Watchcrow :.
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My Trade Rules

Postby MishaBaby » Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:38 pm

Misha's Fair-Trade Rules

    1. Please be fair! I'm no longer a newby but always strive to be fair, so please don't try to take
    advantage of me. I rarely accept trades right off the bat, I WILL ask someone who's been here
    for a while if I am not sure about something, and you really don't want to get that kind of
    reputation here. It also annoys the heck out of me and I will blacklist anyone
    who tries to do this to people.

    2. Send a message with your trade if you can. It's just common courtesy.

    3. I use my Wishlist to keep track of everything I still need to complete my collection, so my
    Hoard list is for my dreamies. Please bear that in mind when sending a trade or suggestion.
    Along with that...

    4. Pay attention to the group names, they were done as they were for a reason. If it's in "The Vault" group, don't try to trade me something that's not on my Hoard list or a fair bauble offer. It will be declined.

    5. Be respectful, and please do not hassle me. We're all just trying to play here and have some fun, so
    let's not ruin it for each other. I refuse to play politics on a game, so if you harass me or break rules, you
    will be reported. Period.

Thank you for understanding. I do hate to make rules, but I feel that these are more common sense and informational than strict or authoritarian. Bear in mind that these rules are very generalized. That being said, please don't hesitate to message me to negotiate for a pet I have if it's important to you, even if it's in my "The Vault" section; I'm not totally heartless, and I might just be able to help you. Again, we're here to have fun! Let's keep our time - and interactions - in Eldemore in that spirit, always. Have a great day!

Last edited by MishaBaby on Thu Nov 09, 2017 11:13 pm, edited 10 times in total.
My Eldemore Trade Spot
Looking For Hundreds Of Missed Outcomes, See WL
● Thank you so very much to the person who helped my dream come true! TT_TT ♥ ●
● If it's in group 9c & unnamed, use my WL to offer ●
● In love with lore? Like collecting things? You might want to look at this.

"Remember that in life, all things are temporary, the good and the bad. Let not your troubles
weigh you down, for they too shall pass. Cherish the sweet moments, live awakened, so that
each night when you rest your head you do not fear your final sunset. And remember, always
remember... It might not be ok, but it's going to be alright."
Peace, Love, Empathy... Misha.

MS: Image  ||  Image :DC
.: Once A Watchcrow, Always A Watchcrow :.
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Recently Missed Outcomes

Postby MishaBaby » Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:38 pm

If it's on my Wishlist, I still need it, but here is a list of all
the outcomes I've missed in the past 6 months. I can't get
store pets on my own. They are on my dreamy/hoard list
as well as my wishlist, and in the unlikely event that I
should ever actually get a trade for one it will be
removed from there, but I won't usually list
them here since it's a given that I need them.
To reiterate, in short:
{[ and baubles ]}

April 2017

May 2017

June 2017

July 2017

August 2017

September 2017

October 2017

November 2017


Will try to keep this updooted AMAP, need TONS of pets! >,<

Pets from my respective trade groups. My groups are named with specifics regarding what they are
being offered for and should be largely self-explanatory. Please understand that I really
want to acquire the pets I am missing and I'm happy to negotiate a deal that's fair
for both of us. Feel free to message me with any questions or to negotiate,
or just send a trade offer/suggestion.
Last edited by MishaBaby on Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:56 pm, edited 33 times in total.
My Eldemore Trade Spot
Looking For Hundreds Of Missed Outcomes, See WL
● Thank you so very much to the person who helped my dream come true! TT_TT ♥ ●
● If it's in group 9c & unnamed, use my WL to offer ●
● In love with lore? Like collecting things? You might want to look at this.

"Remember that in life, all things are temporary, the good and the bad. Let not your troubles
weigh you down, for they too shall pass. Cherish the sweet moments, live awakened, so that
each night when you rest your head you do not fear your final sunset. And remember, always
remember... It might not be ok, but it's going to be alright."
Peace, Love, Empathy... Misha.

MS: Image  ||  Image :DC
.: Once A Watchcrow, Always A Watchcrow :.
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My Dreamy List (Eventually lol)

Postby MishaBaby » Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:38 pm

How kind of you to look here! For now, please reference
my Hoard list, since that's where I am keeping track of it, but I shall
eventually get around to placing my most-desired pets here.
I shall also try to keep my current dreamy goal listed below,
just in case you're inclined to help or offer moral support.
Thank you for looking, and have a wonderful day! ^.^

One of the oldest Staff Birthday pets on the site.
To achieve this goal, I will need: Someone willing to trade one!
I don't ever see this one happening, but this is the pet that led me
to Eldemore. I saw it in someone's signature somewhere and had to
check it out. I've been in love with the sprite since the moment I saw
it, and it seems fitting for this to be my official dreamy pet.
Last edited by MishaBaby on Tue Sep 19, 2017 8:02 am, edited 22 times in total.
My Eldemore Trade Spot
Looking For Hundreds Of Missed Outcomes, See WL
● Thank you so very much to the person who helped my dream come true! TT_TT ♥ ●
● If it's in group 9c & unnamed, use my WL to offer ●
● In love with lore? Like collecting things? You might want to look at this.

"Remember that in life, all things are temporary, the good and the bad. Let not your troubles
weigh you down, for they too shall pass. Cherish the sweet moments, live awakened, so that
each night when you rest your head you do not fear your final sunset. And remember, always
remember... It might not be ok, but it's going to be alright."
Peace, Love, Empathy... Misha.

MS: Image  ||  Image :DC
.: Once A Watchcrow, Always A Watchcrow :.
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My Trade Groups 101: A Basic Breakdown

Postby MishaBaby » Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:07 pm

After some consideration, and in deference to the fact that I have been rather meticulous and precise about what I am offering for what, I've decided that it might be beneficial to lay out exactly what I've done with my trade groups. Here, I will attempt to summarize and explain what I am trying to accomplish with each group.

1. Anything with "SAME LITTER SWAPS" : Self-explanatory. The group title will reflect any necessary details, such as past event same litter swaps or the general "all trades". No matter what you ask for from one of these groups, what you offer in return should be an outcome of the same litter that is on my wishlist.

2. "Current Event TOKEN SWAPS (for NPC price!)" : Self-explanatory. I am offering the pets in this group during an event for the token price you would pay the NPC to buy them. In most cases, I will also accept baubles for these at a rate of 3-5 baubles per token, should you prefer that.

3. "Tasseled Liger Special Offer" : During the third anniversary, there was a liger that was released that I badly wanted but could not get. If you are wondering, head to the Codex and set the filter to 2016 Anniversary Ligers. It's from the Mountain Pathfinder litter. Alternatively, this. Anything in this group may be selected, even multiples. I would be happy to exchange several for that dang Liger, even though it's just a regular Rare and so is everything in that group. The only exception is if you ask for one of the Ultra Rares in that group - yes, there are a couple. I refuse to trade more than one creature for that Liger if what I'm giving you is an Ultra Rare. Be reasonable.

4. "Trades: Staff Birthday SWAPS for missed (WL)" : Birthday releases only. Generally, we only ever get two of each of these, so unless you are offering my dreamy dragon, do not ask for these unless you are offering a staff birthday release pet that is on my wishlist. Because these are special, single releases, I have to place some unique limits on them. I have decided to dedicate a post to this topic all on its own; see below. The basic gist of it is to please keep it fair.

5. "The Vault" : These creatures are intended to be offered in bulk for the dreamies on my Hoard List, or to be sold for Baubles. If you have something on my Hoard List and wish to offer it, please request a fair trade using these as the main bulk. You are, of course, welcome to peruse my other groups, but please understand that I am trying to accomplish many things at once and do not make unfair requests. As much as I want my dreamies, completing my collection is also very important to me. I don't mind overpaying when it's worth it, obviously - just please, try to keep it as fair (based on real Elde market value) as you can. As far as the bauble trades go, I am in the process of working out a general value chart for creatures by rarity and age. Please bear with me as I do so. A few words of note. If it's not on my Hoard List and you're also not offering baubles, these will be hard for me to part with. Also, I detest trading for hoards when there are so many others just like myself that are trying so hard just to complete their collections. If you want something from this group for a hoard, I'll probably just cancel the trade. Rare cases may be considered, but we're talking serious mitigating circumstances here. I have yet to come across such a case in all my years here, and believe me, there have been several who've tried. If that sounds harsh, so be it. I'd rather be up-front with you than give you false hope.

Further Information : You are free to message me at any time with questions. I will do my best to respond as quickly as I am able. I will continue to update and add to this as the need arises. Thank you for reading.
Last edited by MishaBaby on Thu Nov 09, 2017 11:25 pm, edited 10 times in total.
My Eldemore Trade Spot
Looking For Hundreds Of Missed Outcomes, See WL
● Thank you so very much to the person who helped my dream come true! TT_TT ♥ ●
● If it's in group 9c & unnamed, use my WL to offer ●
● In love with lore? Like collecting things? You might want to look at this.

"Remember that in life, all things are temporary, the good and the bad. Let not your troubles
weigh you down, for they too shall pass. Cherish the sweet moments, live awakened, so that
each night when you rest your head you do not fear your final sunset. And remember, always
remember... It might not be ok, but it's going to be alright."
Peace, Love, Empathy... Misha.

MS: Image  ||  Image :DC
.: Once A Watchcrow, Always A Watchcrow :.
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Staff Birthday Releases

Postby MishaBaby » Sat Apr 19, 2014 11:33 pm

Staff birthday releases are rare, and there are often periods of several months separating them. As such, I will try to be a little more lax on these, but I have a great deal of angst about discerning value with these special pets. I've tried to put a timeframe on release dates or even on the number of releases between the pets suggested for trade, but with the releases being so random, it's just not practical to assign value by either of these means. To make matters even more confusing, each year we get more members, and that means that even the newly-released Rares become just a teeny bit more common since there are more people to adopt them. Yes, there is a difference in rarity even among the same-tier rarity creatures. It's slight, but with a creature you only get two of, it matters. Add to that the fact that the ones I have missed are quite scattered, or even really old? Yeah, it's an absolute mess for me. I find it so stressful to figure the worth of these creatures that I've just added all of the ones I've missed to my Hoard List so you can pad the trade with creatures from my Dreamy Trades group in addition to requesting a swap. What else am I to do for the birthday releases I missed from 2013? Please also understand that those older ones take precedence. Practically no one is trading them. I've been here for years now and haven't managed to get a trade, because there are just that few on the site. I anticipate that I will have to offer an unimaginably gross overpay to ever have just a sliver of a chance at obtaining those.

It really does seem hopeless, but I'll keep trying anyway. Perhaps if I can amass enough awesome stuff, someday I will finally complete my collection. Eventually the pound feature will be enabled, and who knows, maybe we'll even get rereleases at some point. Until then, I shall keep a list here of all the ones I missed and I will sort them by what I'm offering for them. Premium padding means I will add to any swap considerably; seriously, just go nuts. This is the only group that I don't care about release dates or the number of releases between the trade items for; everything else needs to be comparable and thus fair, some way or another. Light or no padding means to be fair with the padding, if you add any at all.


None at the moment. 2017 Birthday collection is officially complete. Cheers!

Only Available As Premium Padding

These are the three oldest birthday releases I've got.
I will not trade them except as padding for the first group
I posted here, in the Swap + Premium Padding section.
Please note that I do also possess 3 from 2016 that I can also
offer for the pets in that group; PM me if interested.

Please keep this fair. I will try to make a couple of examples. Let's say you need my Drooling Drake Otterling. Do not offer the Fungus Imp Rune Dragon unless you pad the trade on your side. There is a 5 month gap between those releases and I have other releases from that time period available as well, so sending a straight swap request would be viewed by me as unfair and thus would be instantly declined. In this particular case, it wouldn't require much to make it fair. Some common monthly pets that I missed at some point during that time interval would suffice. Use your good judgement and consider what you would find fair in my place. We can always negotiate. Another example would be if you need my Drooling Drake Otterling but don't have anything more recent to offer for it but the Bongo Sea Serval. Because there is gap of 2+ years and a good number of releases separating those two pets, this would be a case where you would need to dip into my Dreamy Trades group to pad my end of the trade. Again, use your good judgement and try to be fair. We can always negotiate. One last example is that you have the Fungus Rune Drake I need, but either do not need any staff birthday pets or don't want to try to pad for a much older release of yours. In this case, offer the Drake I need and add from my Dreamy Trades group according to what you think is fair. This will be a bit harder to determine equal values for but I am more than happy to work with you on these kinds of trades, as well. I will not offer my birthday pets for a non-birthday pet with the sole exception of my dreamy dragon; thank you for understanding. I hope this helped. Thank you for reading.
Last edited by MishaBaby on Wed Nov 01, 2017 7:06 am, edited 7 times in total.
My Eldemore Trade Spot
Looking For Hundreds Of Missed Outcomes, See WL
● Thank you so very much to the person who helped my dream come true! TT_TT ♥ ●
● If it's in group 9c & unnamed, use my WL to offer ●
● In love with lore? Like collecting things? You might want to look at this.

"Remember that in life, all things are temporary, the good and the bad. Let not your troubles
weigh you down, for they too shall pass. Cherish the sweet moments, live awakened, so that
each night when you rest your head you do not fear your final sunset. And remember, always
remember... It might not be ok, but it's going to be alright."
Peace, Love, Empathy... Misha.

MS: Image  ||  Image :DC
.: Once A Watchcrow, Always A Watchcrow :.
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Posts: 749
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Postby MishaBaby » Wed Apr 23, 2014 9:12 pm

My Eldemore Trade Spot
Looking For Hundreds Of Missed Outcomes, See WL
● Thank you so very much to the person who helped my dream come true! TT_TT ♥ ●
● If it's in group 9c & unnamed, use my WL to offer ●
● In love with lore? Like collecting things? You might want to look at this.

"Remember that in life, all things are temporary, the good and the bad. Let not your troubles
weigh you down, for they too shall pass. Cherish the sweet moments, live awakened, so that
each night when you rest your head you do not fear your final sunset. And remember, always
remember... It might not be ok, but it's going to be alright."
Peace, Love, Empathy... Misha.

MS: Image  ||  Image :DC
.: Once A Watchcrow, Always A Watchcrow :.
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le poke!

Postby MishaBaby » Wed May 07, 2014 4:38 am

MishaBaby wrote:Bumpity!
My Eldemore Trade Spot
Looking For Hundreds Of Missed Outcomes, See WL
● Thank you so very much to the person who helped my dream come true! TT_TT ♥ ●
● If it's in group 9c & unnamed, use my WL to offer ●
● In love with lore? Like collecting things? You might want to look at this.

"Remember that in life, all things are temporary, the good and the bad. Let not your troubles
weigh you down, for they too shall pass. Cherish the sweet moments, live awakened, so that
each night when you rest your head you do not fear your final sunset. And remember, always
remember... It might not be ok, but it's going to be alright."
Peace, Love, Empathy... Misha.

MS: Image  ||  Image :DC
.: Once A Watchcrow, Always A Watchcrow :.
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And Up

Postby MishaBaby » Wed Oct 01, 2014 10:22 am

MishaBaby wrote:Upyago!
My Eldemore Trade Spot
Looking For Hundreds Of Missed Outcomes, See WL
● Thank you so very much to the person who helped my dream come true! TT_TT ♥ ●
● If it's in group 9c & unnamed, use my WL to offer ●
● In love with lore? Like collecting things? You might want to look at this.

"Remember that in life, all things are temporary, the good and the bad. Let not your troubles
weigh you down, for they too shall pass. Cherish the sweet moments, live awakened, so that
each night when you rest your head you do not fear your final sunset. And remember, always
remember... It might not be ok, but it's going to be alright."
Peace, Love, Empathy... Misha.

MS: Image  ||  Image :DC
.: Once A Watchcrow, Always A Watchcrow :.
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And Up

Postby MishaBaby » Tue Sep 19, 2017 10:51 am

Another month, more missed outcomes. >,<

Really needing help for my dreamy goal as well. :c Thank you to everyone who has traded with me so far! ♥
My Eldemore Trade Spot
Looking For Hundreds Of Missed Outcomes, See WL
● Thank you so very much to the person who helped my dream come true! TT_TT ♥ ●
● If it's in group 9c & unnamed, use my WL to offer ●
● In love with lore? Like collecting things? You might want to look at this.

"Remember that in life, all things are temporary, the good and the bad. Let not your troubles
weigh you down, for they too shall pass. Cherish the sweet moments, live awakened, so that
each night when you rest your head you do not fear your final sunset. And remember, always
remember... It might not be ok, but it's going to be alright."
Peace, Love, Empathy... Misha.

MS: Image  ||  Image :DC
.: Once A Watchcrow, Always A Watchcrow :.
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Posts: 749
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2014 5:16 am


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