After some consideration, and in deference to the fact that I have been rather meticulous and precise about what I am offering for what, I've decided that it might be beneficial to lay out exactly what I've done with my trade groups. Here, I will attempt to summarize and explain what I am trying to accomplish with each group.
1. Anything with "SAME LITTER SWAPS" : Self-explanatory. The group title will reflect any necessary details, such as past event same litter swaps or the general "all trades". No matter what you ask for from one of these groups, what you offer in return should be an outcome of the same litter that is on my wishlist.
2. "Current Event TOKEN SWAPS (for NPC price!)" : Self-explanatory. I am offering the pets in this group during an event for the token price you would pay the NPC to buy them. In most cases, I will also accept baubles for these at a rate of 3-5 baubles per token, should you prefer that.
3. "Tasseled Liger Special Offer" : During the third anniversary, there was a liger that was released that I badly wanted but could not get. If you are wondering, head to the Codex and set the filter to 2016 Anniversary Ligers. It's from the Mountain Pathfinder litter. Alternatively,
this. Anything in this group may be selected, even multiples. I would be happy to exchange several for that dang Liger, even though it's just a regular Rare and so is everything in that group. The only exception is if you ask for one of the Ultra Rares in that group - yes, there are a couple. I refuse to trade more than one creature for that Liger if what I'm giving you is an Ultra Rare. Be reasonable.
4. "Trades: Staff Birthday SWAPS for missed (WL)" : Birthday releases only. Generally, we only ever get two of each of these, so unless you are offering my dreamy dragon, do not ask for these unless you are offering a staff birthday release pet that is on my wishlist. Because these are special, single releases, I have to place some unique limits on them. I have decided to dedicate a post to this topic all on its own; see below. The basic gist of it is to please keep it fair.
5. "The Vault" : These creatures are intended to be offered in bulk for the dreamies on my Hoard List, or to be sold for Baubles. If you have something on my Hoard List and wish to offer it, please request a fair trade using these as the main bulk. You are, of course, welcome to peruse my other groups, but please understand that I am trying to accomplish many things at once and do not make unfair requests. As much as I want my dreamies, completing my collection is also very important to me. I don't mind overpaying when it's worth it, obviously - just please, try to keep it as fair (based on real Elde market value) as you can. As far as the bauble trades go, I am in the process of working out a general value chart for creatures by rarity and age. Please bear with me as I do so. A few words of note. If it's not on my Hoard List and you're also not offering baubles, these will be hard for me to part with. Also, I
detest trading for hoards when there are so many others just like myself that are trying so hard just to complete their collections. If you want something from this group for a hoard, I'll probably just cancel the trade. Rare cases may be considered, but we're talking serious mitigating circumstances here. I have yet to come across such a case in all my years here, and believe me, there have been several who've tried. If that sounds harsh, so be it. I'd rather be up-front with you than give you false hope.
Further Information : You are free to message me at any time with questions. I will do my best to respond as quickly as I am able. I will continue to update and add to this as the need arises. Thank you for reading.